Pittsburgh Massage and Bodywork


Your therapist wants you to be comfortable and relaxed during your treatment. If you'd like anything to be changed, such as pressure, area being treated, music selection, or room temperature, these can all be adjusted. Please don't hesitate to ask if there is anything that would add to the comfort and enjoyment of your massage therapy session.

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Carmen Mihely LMT

Carmen is a graduate of Career Training Academy and a member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP). She has been practicing Massage Therapy since 2004 and practiced for over 11 years in a chiropractic setting utilizing a variety of integrated techniques such as Swedish, Deep-tissue, and Myofascial techniques with a focus on pain relief and management. She enjoys being able to help people feel better through providing bodywork and education.

  • Certified in Muscle Release Technique (sm) in 2008

    Muscle Release (sm) Technique combines stretching, movement, and massage to help clients with chronic and repetitive use injury symptoms.

  • Certified in Ashiatsu Deep Feet Bar Therapy® in 2014 with an Advanced Certificate in 2015.

    Ashiatsu is performed on a massage table while the therapist utilizes parallel, overhead bars to deliver a deep, relaxing massage with her feet.